
Zachariah Frieze 

“Having never really trained in musical theatre before college, the staff at Pendleton have truly helped me in all aspects of performance including singing, acting and particularly dancing. I started at Pendleton with no dance experience and have left with a level of technique and flexibility to now start professional training.

“Additionally, I have been lucky enough to be cast in four of Pendleton’s amazing Season of Shows, which allow you to put your training into practice.”

 Rebekka Opdal Christiansen 

“The teachers here, they take you seriously. They know you have dreams and goals and they help you, believe in you and support you. They make sure you know it’s going to be hard, but they also make it fun. Its hard work but it is worth it.

“I thought I was going to have to pay for training at expensive dance studios and in exclusive theatre groups to get the most out of being here and studying here (in the UK), but everything is at college. There are so many opportunities; from performing in the Christmas show, to Tap Fest UK , the choir and not to mention the extensive season of shows you can audition to be a part of.

“This is really the best place to be!”